

Posted by Alex on April 25, 2019


Structured data is far easier for Big Data programs to digest, while the myriad formats of unstructured data creates a greater challenge. Yet both types of data play a key role in effective data analysis.


Structured data

Structured data usually resides in relational databases (RDBMS-Relational database management system). Data may be human- or machine-generated as long as the data is created within an RDBMS structure.




Structured Data Examples

The most common examples of structured data are numbers, names, dates, addresses, and transactional information .

Unstructured data

Unstructured data is essentially everything else. Unstructured data has internal structure but is not structured via pre-defined data models or schema. It may be textual or non-textual, and human- or machine-generated. It may also be stored within a non-relational database like NoSQL.




Unstructured Data Examples

The most common examples of unstructured data are survey responses, social media comments, blog comments, email responses, and phone call transcriptions.



Structured data is objective facts and numbers that most analytics software can collect, making it easy to export, store, and organize in typical databases like Excel, Google Sheets, and SQL. You can also easily examine structured data with standard data analysis methods and tools like regression analysis and pivot tables.

On the contrary, unstructured data is usually subjective opinions and judgments of your brand in the form of text, which most analytics software can’t collect, making it difficult to export, store, and organize in typical databases. You also can’t examine unstructured data analysis methods and tools. Most of the time, you must store unstructured data in Word documents or NoSQL databases and manually analyze it or use the analysis tools in a NoSQL database to examine this type of data.


Structured vs. Unstructured Data

Structured vs unstructured data

可以先理解下定性与定量数据 qualitative vs quantitative data
